TCV+ Ананлиз онлайн рекомендаций по удобрениям: Австоматизация обработки данных и обновление данных

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Md. Mustafizur Rahman
H.M. Asad- Uz- Zaman
Md. Ashraful Islam
Tito Chakma
Md. Abdul Aziz


Основной целью данного исследования является выявление влияния параметров TCV (время, стоимость и количество посещений) в рамках проекта под названием «Рекомендации по удобрениям в режиме онлайн, автоматизация обработки данных и обновление данных», реализуемого Институтом развития почвенных ресурсов (SRDI) в Бангладеш. Рекомендации по удобрениям, автоматизация обработки данных и обновление данных в режиме онлайн являются важными компонентами деятельности института. Ранее люди должны были обращаться в городские или региональные офисы SRDI, чтобы проверить почву для измерения ее состояния и состояния питания растений для лучшего выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур. Сегодня онлайн служба рекомендаций по удобрениям сделала процесс намного проще, менее затратным по времени и стоимости, чем предыдущая ручная/оффлайн система. Институт тестирует образцы почвы и публикует рекомендации по удобрениям в своей базе данных. Это минимизировало расходы пользователей с точки зрения времени и денег, необходимых для получения рекомендаций по удобрениям для их культур. Исследование также фокусируется на неденежных выгодах, таких как удовлетворенность получателей, готовность рекомендовать приложение другим и соответствующих показателях данного проекта, основанного на ИКТ.


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How to Cite
Rahman, M. M., Zaman, H. A.-. U.-., Islam, M. A., Chakma, T., & Aziz, M. A. (2019). TCV+ Ананлиз онлайн рекомендаций по удобрениям: Австоматизация обработки данных и обновление данных. International Journal of Civil Service Reform and Practice, 4(1). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Information and Communication Technology Division, Agargaon, Dhaka.

Md. Mustafizur Rahman is the Project Director of Access to Information (a2i) Programme. Mr. Mustafiz is a joint secretary to the government. In 2011, he was posted as a Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Jessore district. Under his leadership, Jessore was declared as the first ‘Digital District’ of Bangladesh. As a public servant, Mr Rahman received ‘e-Asia award 2011’ and ‘Best DC Award in 2012 (field administration), 2013 (primary education) and 2014’. Recently, he has received the ‘Public Administration Award 2016’ as a recognition of his outstanding contributions as a public servant. Mustafiz completed his MSc in Physics from Rajshahi University. Contact: Cell: +8801715448311; e-Mail:

H.M. Asad- Uz- Zaman, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Information and Communication Technology Division, Agargaon, Dhaka.

H.M. Asad-Uz-Zaman has been working with a2i as Policy Expert. He is coordinating the ‘Skills for Employment’ Lab+. He is playing a significant role in reshaping Skills Development (TVET) through appropriate planning, monitoring, coordination and policy formulation. He established partnership with various organizations and development partners to create the necessary linkages between skills development agencies and job providers to pave the way for the youths and workers to get gainful employment in different industries. He is also responsible for the ‘South-South & Triangular Cooperation’ initiative of a2i. He initiated G2G partnership with the Government of Maldives and Bhutan. Now he is acting as the focal point to coordinate the e-Governance initiatives for the Government of Maldives and Bhutan. Mr. Asad is working in a2i since 2010. Asad earned his post-graduation degree in Educational Psychology and graduation in Psychology from University of Dhaka. He also obtained a Master’s in Development Studies from East West University, Dhaka. Contact: Cell: +8801712092922; e-Mail: and

Md. Ashraful Islam, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Information and Communication Technology Division, Agargaon, Dhaka.

Md. Ashraful Islam has been working for Research & Documentation of Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Bangladesh. His Key responsibilities are to develop and publication of a2i results like articles, reports, innovation briefs, results briefs, booklets etc. Also Mr. Ashraful has been playing a vital role to conduct study series like South-South Cooperation, Affordable Internet, SDGs achievement and progress, Human Development Media etc. He organizes and participates various types of learning events like workshop, conference, research talk etc in national and international arena. Throughout 4 years of his progressive working experience, he has worked on a number of projects under different national and international organizations that have enhanced his understanding in the field of project implementation, management, monitoring & evaluation. Also he has visited more than 56 districts (out of 64) of Bangladesh for research purpose and personal interest. Mr. Ashraful studied Bachelor and Master Degree of Sociology from Dhaka University. Contact: Cell: +8801745-936743; e-Mail: and

Tito Chakma, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Information and Communication Technology Division, Agargaon, Dhaka.

Tito Chakma is working as Junior Consultant for ICT4SDGs project which has been implemented jointly by Access to Information (a2i) programme and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. He is providing assistance to implement Evidence-based e-government policies for advancing the governmental service delivery and accountability in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Tito Chakma has experience in field of SDGs, M&E, Global e-Indices’ indicators mapping, categorized, metadata analysis and national progress visualization and reporting, Synthesize complex issues drawing synergies and linkages between development. Tito Chakma obtained his Master degree in Political Science from University of Chittagong. Contact: Cell: +8801734-050545; e-mail: 

Md. Abdul Aziz, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Information and Communication Technology Division, Agargaon, Dhaka.

Md. Abdul Aziz, has been working as a Young Professional in a2i Programme since 2015. He has been playing a vital role in field management and report development. Having three years of experience in research field, he has completed various study and survey in association with a2i. Mr. Aziz completed his post-graduation from Dhaka University in Social Welfare Discipline. Contact: Cell: +8801714-382019; e-Mail: