Dear Reader,

We are delighted to present you with the 11th edition of the International Journal of Civil Service Reform and Practice published by the Astana Civil Service Hub.

The current issue begins with an article written by Maria Faina Diola and Rita Gallardo. The authors explore the role of the non-governmental sector in the development of social innovation in health and in the formation of social capital in selected Philippine provinces. They also provide some answers to the question of what enabling mechanisms facilitate the processes of social innovation and social capital formation, aiming at providing some ideas for post-Soviet Eurasia.

The next article - prepared by Md. Mustafizur Rahman and his colleagues at the Access to Information (a2i) Programme in Bangladesh – presents the results of an analysis that attempted to highlight the monetary and non-monetary benefits of the on-line fertiliser recommendation system implemented by the Bangladesh Soil Research Development Institute; followed by some recommendations for improving further this newly introduced on-line service.

This edition concludes with the article of Lukas Brun from Duke University and Aida Urazaliyeva, former Senior Research Analyst at the National Analytical Centre in Kazakhstan, which examines the role of workforce skills in developing further Kazakhstan’s most important industries; oil & gas production. This study reports on the findings related to the nature and challenges of workforce development in the country and provides a comparative case of successful workforce development practices in the industry.

We hope that the content of this issue of the Journal will be of value to scholars, practitioners and other readers interested in acquiring a deeper understanding of the topics considered by the above authors.

Yours sincerely,

The Editorial Team

Published: 2019-03-14