Social Innovation and Social Capital in Health, and its Implications on Third Sector Involvement in the Public Sphere: Reflections for selected countries in post-Soviet Eurasia

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Faina L Diola
Rita M. Gallardo


This paper reviews the study by Gallardo (2014) on social innovation (SI) in the health sector in selected Philippine provinces. Gallardo’s study found government to have developed a space, so different parties including the third sector come together. Also, it appears that the formation of social capital (SC) is apparent and both SI and SC are facilitated by enabling/mediating mechanisms. This study employs key interviews and secondary data reviews, and asks: What is the role of the third sector in the development of SI in health and in the formation of SC? What enabling/mediating mechanisms facilitated the processes of SI and social capital formation (SCF) and third sector involvement? Are these mechanisms public spheres for increased third sector involvement in development? The findings can hopefully contribute to articulating the public value of creating more public spheres for third sector involvement in SI and SCF and stimulate reflections for post-Soviet Eurasia.


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How to Cite
Diola, F. L., & Gallardo, R. M. (2019). Social Innovation and Social Capital in Health, and its Implications on Third Sector Involvement in the Public Sphere: Reflections for selected countries in post-Soviet Eurasia. International Journal of Civil Service Reform and Practice, 4(1). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Faina L Diola, University of the Philippines

Assistant Professor, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines

Rita M. Gallardo, Senate of the Philippines Graduate School, Colegio de San Juan de Letran Asiapro Multipurpose Cooperative

Dr. Rita Gallardo

Consultant, Senate of the Philippines

Professor Adjunct, Colegio de San Juan de Letran

Consultant, Asiapro Multipurpose Cooperative