Evaluation and Correlation of jobs in building a grade system in the civil service of Kazakhstan

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Konstantin Belyaev


This article presents an analytical framework concerning possible ways of developing the system of public management in the Republic of Kazakhstan and implementing long-term strategic priorities for further enhancement of the government and the administration, announced by the President of the Republic. It examines current developments in the application of job evaluation in the government and administration as an effective instrument for personnel management aiming to build a system of grades (job ranks) for public servants. The article reviews the main methodological approaches utilised in the evaluation and correlation of jobs in building a grade system. It also focuses on the practical importance of this instrument for personnel management, including organisational development, career management, remuneration systems, etc.


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Как цитировать
Belyaev, K. (2017). Evaluation and Correlation of jobs in building a grade system in the civil service of Kazakhstan. Международный журнал реформы и практики государственной службы, 2(2). извлечено от https://astanahubjournal.org/index.php/ijcsrp/article/view/91