New Strategies to Develop Human Resources In the Public Sector With a Focus On the Transition From COTI to NHI
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This study attempts to answer questions pertaining to human resources development in the public sector based on general theories and perspectives about human resources development. It also examines the role training of public officials has played to meet the demands of key government policies over the past 60 years in Korea. Then, it looks at the rationale behind renaming COTI as the National Human Resources Development Institute. Last, it discusses a new paradigm for human resources development and what strategies are employed to achieve its goals.
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Yoon, B.- soo. (2017). New Strategies to Develop Human Resources In the Public Sector With a Focus On the Transition From COTI to NHI. Международный журнал реформы и практики государственной службы, 2(2). извлечено от
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