Towards Integrity in Public Service in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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Many countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are in the process of transforming their civil service systems to meet the aim of serving public interests. This paper discusses current status of this endeavour in the regional countries and provides an analysis of the countries’ efforts to ensure integrity in public service by elaborating on the experiences of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia and other states. Particularly, it stresses upon the practices of merit-based competitive recruitment, implementation of performance-based pay systems as well as underlines the importance of ensuring ethical and legal norms to prevent corruption, mitigate conflict of interest and promote core public service values. Author also points out challenges these regional countries are facing today in pursuing these policies and, as such, she considers a misinterpreted notion of professionalism in civil service and weak autonomy of public servants in their decision making among other issues. Accordingly, recommendations are made as to train civil servants on the public service values and enhance their practical ethical skills as well as nurture respect for the rule of law and enforce corruption offences to achieve integrity in the public administration.
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Savran, O. (2016). Towards Integrity in Public Service in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Международный журнал реформы и практики государственной службы, (1). извлечено от
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