Gender Analysis of Ant-Corruption Policy: Case Study of Ukraine
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Corruption is a major and systemic problem that has consistently undermined economic and social progress as well as the reform agenda in Ukraine. Aiming at more effective and accountable public institutions that respond to the needs of all persons, especially the most vulnerable, an evidence base of how men and women are affected by corruption are crucial for improving the country’s policies and achieving sustainable development. International studies argue that women and men may be differently prone to corruption practices, perceive corruption in different ways and have different personal experiences of everyday corruption. The impact of corruption may also be gender-specified, making women more vulnerable to negative effects and consequences of corruptive practices. The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between gender and corruption and to propose ways to effectively promote gender equality, women empowerment, and corruption prevention. The analysis will focus on the different impact of corruption on men and women, taking into consideration demographic variables such as age, rural/urban, geographic region, etc. The proposed paper concludes with recommendations on how to address this issue and include it into gender and corruption-related awareness raising campaigns. The paper is based on desk review of international literature of gender and corruption, as well as secondary analysis of the population-based surveys (Global Corruption Barometer survey and recent Ukraine’s surveys on corruption). Qualitative approaches to data collection were also used, including in-depth interviews with anticorruption experts, and on-line survey of local NGOs working in the field of anticorruption.
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